Day of the mountain passes.
Day seven of the Int. GS Trophy 2020 was without a doubt the ‘day of the passes’, with four thrilling off-road mountain sections for the participants to cross on an unforgettably scenic ride from Lake Tekapo to Wanaka. These famous trading passes cross into the Upper Otago included Hakataramea and Danseys Pass.
Slip, sliding away.
Slip, sliding away.
Before then though, all competitors joined the ‘Akrapovic Challenge’, just 30km into the day, which was a halfpipe sliding test with ‘wall-rides’, slide-turns and a right-hand oval for all three team riders to tackle against the clock. This test, that took place on the Hakataramea pass road, was all about momentum and controlled drifting skills, offering spectacular sideways action for all those watching.
Views to ride for.
Views to ride for.
Following a hearty lunch at the historic Danseys Pass hotel, the riders got to enjoy scenic splendour and twisty hard-pack as they explored both Meyer’s Pass and Thomson Gorge on their 180km off-road sections (360km overall including sealed roads). A second special – Push Start – awaited them high up on Thomson Saddle inside one of the stations.
Just keep pushing.
Just keep pushing.
This challenge involved all team riders who had to bump start an F 850 GS in as short a distance as possible within a 50-metres section. Quite simply, the quickest start and shortest measured distance won the challenge. Lots of different strategies were used, and it wasn’t always the biggest and strongest riders who got the F 850 GS started the quickest.
At the end of this penultimate day of competition, Team South Africa still hold a narrow lead, with Italy and France snapping at their heels. Tomorrow there is most definitely everything to play for on this final day of the 2020 Int. GS Trophy.